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43% of all statistics are useless .
a broken heart~~ ~~continues to beat.. .
Today is the Tomorrow we worried about Yesterday...think about it!!!! .
Me Me
Daddy, where do babies come from? why is the sky blue? why is the grass green? why do fat women wear bikini`s in public? .
i tried sniffing coke and got an ice cube stuck up my nose .
why did the blonde smile when it was lightening outside..? because she thought she was gettin her pitcure takened .
the more i study the more i know. the more i know the more i forget. the more i forget the less i know. so why study? .
Mounir Baroudi
if the whole world were made of people like me then the world would be perfect!!! .
if barbie is so popular why do you have to buy her friends .
**~ Life is like an ice cream enjoy it before it melts.~* .

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