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  Away Messages
Note : Away messages are updated every week.
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I Dont give a fuck About all of your problems I could give a rats ass how your feeling today take your wordly advice and shove it straight up your ass Thanks for coming around to fuck up my day In case you didnt notice Im AFK .
I dont like you. .
My penis is temporarely stuck in the cd-rom drive. if you have any suggestions on how to get it out. please let me know. .
HeLlO %n It IS %t And I aM AwAY RigHT NoW i WIlL Be BAck As SOOn As ThE CrEaM ON My asS DrIeS .
Steps To Reach Me: 1)Call my cell phone (if ya dunno the # call my house) 2) If i pick up youre in luck, If I dont pick up LEAVE A MESSAGE 3)Ill talk to you or call you back...thats how to reach me. later .
hey its %t on %d and right now im in the shower getting all clean and sh*t so ill talk to yall later...bye OH YEAH...why dont you call or keep writing? ill be able to talk to you then. .
GoNe SEXIN something U would LOVE 2 b DOING rIgHt Now but URE NOT!!! I AM! LEAVE A MESSAGE. .
hi, im sorry im not here right now to take your message. If youd like to leave a message please press 2, then 4, the 345 then type ¤.üÊz-¡«µ¿ÍÆ¢ò¦ôÄ bark like a dog, spin in a circle and say please wioht cherries on top then waaaiiit for the beep. .
i am not here right now, but ill be back when you fuck off... from here .

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