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.:.Loveing sum1 is different than being in Love with sum1.:. .
.:.CaSsAnDrA.:. (( IM me anytime...XoSCchick06oX))
When you fall is your boyfriend really there to catch you? .
|Y|O|U|A|R|E| my Anti-Drug!! .
YoUr MaMaS lAmAs, LaMaS mOmAs, MoMaS lAmAs, LaMaS mOmAs, MoMaS lAmAs, LaMaS mOmAs, MoMaS lAmAs, LaMaS mOmAs, MoMaS lAmA!!!!!!! .
me--->>>ur mom
he likes it up, i like it down, i like it side to side, he likes it back and forth, i like it rough, he likes it smooth, get back to you later when we are done painting............... .
why do you want to know
Have you ever realized that violets arent blue. They are violet. Whoever thought of the roses are red violets are blue most have been an idiot. .
Last night I had a dream that I ate a huge marshmallow. When I woke up this morning I noticed that my pillow was gone. .
If I were u,Id wanna bang me....tehehehe..... .
"Be who you are, and say what you feel. Because those who mind dont matter, and those who matter dont mind." -Dr. Seuss .
Always keep in good shape...I dont think thats such a good idea...I mean my grandma keeps in great shape...she decided to walk a mile a day when she was 65...now shes 76 and she still hasnt come back... .
Hannah Madison

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