Messages |
: Away messages are updated every week. |
no. of away messages
1770 |
You can either be so yucki lyke a babi sh*ting in its pants or soo cute lyke a puppy
EriCa Iz MuH MoM |
I am spinning in my computer chair!
~BittyBooo~ |
only in america do we leave bank doors open and chain pens to the desk
unknown |
It takes every eight minutes for a human to think different. Think about it...
Arun Dua |
If a broken heart continues to beat, how come a broken toy doesnt continue to work?>
(*Lis*) |
If You sprinkle while you tinkle please be neat and whipe the seat!
~BittyBooo~ |
Lifes purpose is not to arrive at the grave with a well perserved body, but rather to skid in sideways shouting, "Holy sh*t! What a ride!"
kaitie |
When i eventually met Mr. Right, I had no idea that his first name was "Always".
juli |
a guy knows hes in love when he loses interest in his car for a couple days. -Tim Allen
juli |
If love isnt a game why are there so many players?
slatka |