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Love is thinking about them all day and all night no matter how hard you try to stop Love is every moring you wake up he is the 1st face that pops in your mind and the last face b4 u fall asleep Love is the tickles that you get in your tummy everytime you see their face in ur head Love is the warmth and protection you felt the first time u saw him Love is the best feeling you could ever have U have the key to my heart Ur the only one to come in Someday Ull find the way! I Love U!!!! .
morgan rae
KiSs Me In The LiGhT... LoVe Me In ThE DaRk... HoLdMe TiLl ThE EnD... AnD iLl NeVeR BrEaK YoUr HeArT. .
morgan rae
It shouldnt matter how you look or how much you weigh, but by the qualities you posess! .
here i sit, brokenhearted, tried 2 shit, but only farted,here i sit, wut a caper, tried 2 shit, out of paper .
Ian Gardner
One day your prince will come, mine just took a wrong turn and is to stubborn to ask for directions .
rebecca D
Out doing your Mom...Leave one or just walk upstairs .
Joey Doucette
.:. YoU WeRe mY bEsT FrIeNd...ThEn yOu Were mY bOyfRiEnD...ThEn wE bRoKe uP...aNd nOw yOu dOnT evEn wAnT tO bE mY fuckin fRiEnD.:. .
../..I.Wanna.Hurt.You.Just.To.Hear.You.Screaming.My.Name..\.. .
When I was younger, I played with toyz....Now im older, and play with boyz. .
~~God made coke~~ ~~God made Pepsi~~ ~~God made(name)~~ ~~So dame Sexy~ .

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