Messages |
: Away messages are updated every week. |
no. of away messages
1770 |
y duz a boat float?
y do birds fly?
y do guys kno how 2 make glrs *cry*?
*bEtHaNy* |
Gurls are like wearhouses they alwayz have free screwz!
urafag...... |
OmG I HaTe It wHeN pEoPlE SaY "wHaTs uP" It Is sO AnNyInG iM lIKE oMg U DonT knoW WhAtS Up DUH tHe rOoF aNd thEn wHen I TeLl thEm ThE RoOf ThEy LaUgH AnD Im LikE WhAt tHe FrEaK ThAtS GaY So WhAtEVeR iF U FiGuRe OuT wHy ThEy LaUgH TeLl Me,MaYbE ThIs wIlL kEeP u bUSy y i am gOnE BRB
fOrCeGiRl13 |
whats betta? a lie that draws a smile or the truth that draws a tear?
Brook |
Yankey Doddle went to town rideing on his mother every time he hit a bump he got a brand new brother!
Amanda AKA Khleo Lover |
No great work is impossible...the word says it itself "Im Possible"!
Brooke Branstetter |
2 WORDS GUYS DONT LIKE: Dont and Stop...Unless u put them together!!!!!!!
:.::Brook:.:: |
Worrying is like a rocking chair, gives you something to do but doesnt get you anywhere
shelly |
A wise monkey never monkies with another monkeys monkey
Shelly |
I dont care how many lips you have kissed, how many shoulders you have embraced, all I care is not to be your first but to be your last
xo distraction |