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shame on me for kissing u with my eyes closed so tight .
you made me go into the bathroom n made me get sick cause you told me you had a small dick!<3 .
EaTiN BrEaKfAsT,LuNcH,or DiNnEr If YoU ArE SmArT eNoUgH YoU WiLl No WhIcH OnE!! .
WhY dO fAcToRyS sElL sTuFf ThAt kIlLs ThErE cOsTuMeRs?~ .
roses are red. violets are blue. im taking a shower so i dont smell you you! .
A true friend is the one person who walks in...when the rest of the world walks out! .
who says beer wont make u lighter, it made bud lite .
black will alwayz b the opsite ov white but that doesnt mean tha dont go 2gether! .
life iz like a square, it can bcome a triangle if u cut parts out ov it. .
There are 3 types of people in the world; those who can count, and those who cant. .

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