Messages |
: Away messages are updated every week. |
no. of away messages
1770 |
Roses are red violets are blue god made me pretty what happened to you?
michelle |
His Levis jeans...$58, the AE shirt u bought him for X-mas...$28, his Old Navy boxers...$12. All YOUR boyfriends clothes laying in MY floor... PRICELESS!!!
*Kayla Michelle* |
LoVe iS A SeNsAtiOn CaUsEd By TeMpTaTiOn WhEn a GuY sTiCkS HiS LoCaTiOn In A GiRlS DeStInAtIoN WhiCh iNcReAsEs ThE PoPuLaTiOn FoR ThE NeXt gEnErAtIoN. Do YoU gEt MaH ExPlAnAtIoN Or Do YoU nEeD A DeMoNsTrAtIoN!!!
Brooke (IM me at WsHsWiLdChIcK06) |
Friendship often ends in love; but love in friendship--never
Kelly |
Yesterday scientists revealed that beer contains small traces of female hormones. To prove their theory, the scientists fed 100 men 12 pints of beer and observed that 100% of them gained weight, talked excessively without making sense, became emotional, and couldnt drive. -- No further testing is planned
Brent |
REMINDER: hating me wont make u prettier!
sk8rgrl |
**U AsKeD Me WhAt i LoVeD MoRe iN LiFe, U Or My LiFe? i AnSwErEd My LiFe AnD U WaLkEd AwAy NoT kNoWiNg ThAt U ArE My LiFe**
marian |
If you think life is bad now, how would you like to be an egg? You only get laid once. You get eaten once. It takes for minutes to get hard, only to minutes to get soft. You share your box with 11 other guys, but worst of all, the only chick that ever sat on your face was your mom! So cheer up, your life isnt that bad!
Sara |
Trying to bang my head on the wall so hard that it knocks me unconsious. Be back if I fail...if you dont hear from me in a litl while it worked!!!
*~*CyNtHiA*~* |
Tell a man there are 400 billion stars and hell believe you. Tell a man that a bench has wet paint and he has to touch it first.
Andy |