Messages |
: Away messages are updated every week. |
no. of away messages
1770 |
Hey. Im not at the computer right now, so leave your name, a message, and your visa, american express, or mastercard number, and ill get back to you as soon as possible. (pending credit approval.) ;-)
I am working hard... or am I hardly working?
Alicia |
Ill be back soon. Im out in the backyard goat farming. Crazy goats.
Alicia |
If you like to talk to tomatoes, if a squash can make you smile, if you like to waltz with potatoes up and down the produce asile....i dont care if you do but i know i do:-D
Alicia |
Think of someone of "average" intelligence. Then think half the world is dumber than that.
Alicia |
Two wrongs dont make a right, but three lefts do.
Alicia |
Just came home from a day of shopping! *sniff* Sniff* whats burning? Oh, I see, its me! Im melting Ice! WOW! THERE A FIRE IN MY HOUSE! A FIRE! A FIRE! (calling 911) Hello, Opperator get my the police....Yes, My house is on fire *Where do you live?* IN A HOUSE SILLY! *I know in a house but How Do We Get There?* IN A BIG RED TRUCK, DUH!!!!!
Ariel |
I am not here Im on the potty, do ont leave if ur hottie!!
The purple,pink, and pee green striped cow is eating me,it has a big butt and I cant deny-when a gurl walks in with a itty~bitty waste and sticks a round thing in your face you get
ashjess |
You put your right foot, in you put your right out, you put your right foot in and you shake it all about, you do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around, and thats what its all about! My foot asleep so I doing da hokey pokey! BBL
*SOCKS*Shannon |