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 AJOLOL12 | ahhhhh he''s SOO hott * born4boyz * ------ yup i could totally agree that channing tatum is the hottest
we can''t even describe his hotnes it''s to hott
luv ya hottie <3 * karelle * ------ channing tatum is sooooooooo sexy i luv him so much he rox * ruthy * ------ he is sooooooooo HOT!!!!!
* unknown * ------ OMG channing tatum is like theeeee hottest actor that has ever walked this earth! * Katie * ------ we think he is cute to but he looks weird in this pic... * mystery1&2 * ------ OMG he is so sexy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * Kat * ------ Omg this guy is SO Hot!
Ly-x * ElzZii33 * ------ this dude is a stud muffin id do him anyday!!!! * Brandi * ------ Hottie!<3333333333333 * Michelle * ------
More Comments >> I LOVE THIS GUY!!
* Author *
 carla | omg brendon and ryan they r so hot and i love u panic! * poppy * ------ u guys are sooo hott!!!! * melanie * ------ omg i love these guys <33 * omg * ------ *HOTT* * Danielle * ------ I think they look like dead coarpse! yuh
* !~!~BubbyBB~!~! * ------ not hot ewww u guys really think theyre hot i think they look like goths weirdos * no * ------ Heart them!!! * freedomxsnapshot * ------ Two Cuties! <3 * Jenni * ------ partners in crime!
* Author *
 Barbiedoll9999 | HOTTEST GUY ON THIS EARTH!!!! * AUTHOR * ------ sawyer is the best person ever from lost! * me * ------ sawyer is the best person ever from lost! * me * ------ his name is josh holloway dumb arses * ........ * ------ he is sooooo hot omg!!! * Britt * ------ he is sooooo hot omg!!! * Britt * ------ yall girl that thing suck!!!! * yall * ------ OMG! This pic is sooo kwl!
Hottest guy eva!!!!
From da best show onda T.V.!!! * chloe * ------ tht 1 is GREAT !!
<<<< * ????? * ------ jack is way hotter but sawyer is hot too * lostluver * ------
More Comments >> Sawyer! The hottest guy from Lost! By Barbiedoll9999
* Author *
 Aoibhinn | omg my sis thinks im crazy over you josh i have good dreams omg wow totally hot way hot way way hot omg
* josh #1 fan * ------ i love him sooooooooooo much he is the hottest guy ever!!!!! sexy hot good looking hansome cute gorgeous (in a guy way)... i can go on forever! i love him!!!!!!!♥ * josh's # 1 fan * ------ josh is way cool!!! u r da best!!!
luv ur movies!!!!u rock my world!!!! * Jessie * ------ I love Josh. He''s WICKED HOTT! OMG * shellie * ------ <3 Omg.. i think josh hutcherson is friggen HOT if sum1 touches him he'll jus sizzle ;) lmao! <3 * Katy * ------ Josh Hutcherson is the hottest actor in theworld i love him so much * Stephanie * ------ josh is so cute and he is a hottie he is my future husband * ashley g * ------ Oh my Josh! He is so hot!!! I totally luv him!! * Alex * ------ HOLY SHIT JOSH HUTCHERSON IS THE HOTT GUY WALKING ON THIS EARTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) <3333333333 * Allison * ------ I love u josh my wish is to meet u
<3<3 * Paige * ------
More Comments >> Josh Hutcherson= Love~~
He is sooo hott!!
* Author *
 Aoibhinn | yah u could say that again about josh hutcherson * josh hutcherson= my love * ------ sxe!<3 * bernadette * ------ ya this is so true. my b/f is pretty hot and damn is he also sexy, but i really like this one. * unknown * ------ this peppa is hotter than hott <3!!!!!
* badcat * ------ Hey.. jus wonderin if this is deanna fowler my bff :D:D if it is MSG ME or call me :D;):P lmao * Katelyne * ------ so true..lol.. love it!! * Kelsey * ------ this is cool * Deanna * ------
 Yana | he is propa stunnin but that dani lass loves a sell a bit dint she ''or only a girl like me cud get a guy like him'' omg how gay it is ''i luv me hu u luvin * holz * ------ omg!!! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!! HOTTYYYYYYYY!! * <3 court * ------ he is so freakin hot
~where has he been
hiding all my life
<3 * *Breeze* * ------ mmm nice i would tap that any day! * ***bec*** * ------ omg he is soooo dreamy only sumone like me could get a boy like that!!! soo fine!! im in luv and looking 4 a bf go on www.bebo.com/xluvquenn4evax and leave me a comment!! * dani * ------ he is hot i wont to suck his dick and i wont him to park his car in me * bill * ------ he is hot i wont to suck his dick and i wont him to park his car in me * bill * ------ he is so cute and he is my lover * shara * ------ He is so hot but everyone is sayin that he,s gay awwww but who care,s he is still hot i luv u channing . * ..:: crystal::.. * ------ HE IS SO HOTTT=) I LOVE HIM
CHANNING TATUM IS MY SAVIOR * xoobridge20 * ------
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 Yana | ok they are so ugly and for people who are stupid we all know that your not dating them even if you say you are so just shut up already * Sexy chica * ------ omg cole u are jus fit love ya * rachel * ------ hi im 14 same as use im the biggest fans of use use rock my life * Chloe * ------ u guys rok and my friend wants 2 date u cole * ???????????????????? * ------ omg I LOVE U GUYS! i love ya show and i think ur ausum! * *sara* * ------ Dylans my main man * Traintrax * ------ wow, u losers still watch that show. i was seven! * ~SumMeR HoTtii~ * ------ u are hot * dylin * ------ I think they're soooo hot and gorgeous!!!!!!!!hottie wiv a bottie!!! * Kareena * ------ How can u guys think these short dorks are hot!!?? My bf is waaaay hotter! * Kay<333 * ------
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 Yana | zacf is very hot guy!!!!!!!!!!!! * jennifer * ------ it just poped into my head the other day..i think zac is gay!!...but who i really love is corbin I LOVE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * **zainab** * ------ ZAC EFRON IS SOOO GAY! HE GOT ARRESTED FOR DOING METH!!! * ~*~ * ------ Wtf. Zac iz so frickin gay.and his voice is gay 2. * kirsten * ------ ZACK IS FRIGGEN GORGEOUSSS!!!
<33 * unknown * ------ zac efron is bom
* rachel * ------ zac is soooo hot * sara * ------ I love Zac Efron u can ask all of my friends he is so hot!!!!!
* Whitney * ------ high school musical was the worst movie ever * me * ------ OMG high school musical is pretty much the best movie of all time! i love that movie and zac is gorgeous! <33 * Alexis * ------
More Comments >> zac is hot !!
* Author *
 Yana | cena sucks * eu * ------ cenais hot and nice you are so men I see you later john cena bye * nancy pereira * ------ u are sexy!!!! * kristy & shanelle * ------ Omg Cena is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Hot probaly the Hottest wrestler in the WWE * Krissinda * ------ The first Day I saw Cena and his HOT smoking hot body on WWE i was in love!!!! * Kerri * ------ I met Cena a Wrestlemania23 in detroit. If yuo think hes hot on Tv you should see him in person. * MRS. Montana Dawn Cena * ------ cena is mine and thats all i have to say because i no his phone# and were he lives and his address so watch out * Sadie * ------ OMFG
I WANT @ MARRY HIM * Misty * ------ i hate john hes so ugly he makes me sick * kate * ------ i fancey his cuts out
* pooop * ------
More Comments >> john cena <3
* Author *
 Yana | id luv to lik his dik * sexy slut * ------ john cena is the best he is so cute and hot * neha singh * ------ HE iS S0000000000
i LOVE HiM!!!!!
* CHADz WiiFEY!!!!!!!!!!!! * ------ i fancy him and that pic is very good put who wort it hands off * sarah * ------ HES GORGEOUS
BUT NOT AS GORGEOUS AS CHANNING TATUM * xoobridge20 * ------ OMG u guys are retards, he is sooooo UGLY! * karlee * ------ you're soooooooooooo cuteeee (TAS K-ALIENTE)I have posters of you all oround my room!! why is it that you're so cute????? Love you!!! * Daiana * ------ OMG I LOVE CHAD BUT II LOVE CHANNING MORE HEHE X * BLONDii3__<3 * ------ DONT MAKE ME BARF! * JODHHUTHERSONLOVA * ------ Now this is what I call hott stuff!! ILY, youre so freakin hottt!<3333 * Katie * ------
More Comments >> chaddd <3
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