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 Melissa |
 tytanna | This is adorable!
i love it! * Missie * ------ its like cool i mean really it lights up * annie * ------ yeah it is really cool! * shanice * ------ calm down its just an icon!! :S * heather <3... * ------ I LOVE THIS BACKROUND I LOVE IT SO MUNCH I LOVE IT SO * JASMINE * ------ tht is a master peice!! * no 1 u knw!! * ------ i luv this icon!!!!! it explains my life 4sure * sammalicious13 * ------ Ohh myy Godd.. I love this emoticonn!!:P:P Good jobb..:D
* xox .. Mallie Mailman .. xox *
Sooo moi
* Author * * shifsa * ------ BACK WITH THE SCREENSAVERS ! ! ! * girlyyyyyyyyyyyy * ------ Ohh myy Godd.. I love this emoticonn!!:P:P Good jobb..:D * xox .. Mallie Mailman .. xox * ------
More Comments >> Sooo moi
* Author *
 tytanna | i love that i couldnt stand my life without my cute boyfriend * payton * ------ tramp ,
this is soo true sweetie. i miss you! * tpampas paul bradley * ------ tramp ,
this is soo true sweetie. i miss you! * tpampas paul bradley * ------ its true with one special guy * alex * ------ this is kinda cute.. well what it means is * **you know me** * ------ niceeeeeeee so true * Jack * ------ no one said anything about this one but im goin to and i think it is so tru and that is just what i think but realy whoever made this thinks that 2
* ?!?!luvie?!?! * ------
 Megan | Im wayyyy to cute for you.......duh * Jessy * ------ omg sooo... cute * jlhjdf * ------ omg too cute to think about lol * taylor * ------ hahaha that is so me * kat * ------ uhhh
CRAZY: miss Katrina and all hurr friends * Katrina * ------ yep iim way 2 crazy hu wants 2 find out * sexi * ------ yup thas me * rainieee * ------
 Krystin | cute n cool * sudun * ------ yepp dats mee sittin on cloud nine :D * hannahhunni * ------ adorable! * ^.^ Cristelle <3 * ------
 Krystin | Its so so cute!!!! I ¢¾ it!!! * ***@r&*** * ------ So Cute!!! i love it! * CUTIEPIE * ------ that is soo cute! i love elephants
* me * ------ that is a so cute picture * carry.xx * ------ aww thts cute x * kibbo * ------ u poop on cheese
i poop on elephants * poopster * ------ that is so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuute * kimmy aka:superwoman * ------ awwwwwwwww it lookes just like me * lousiy * ------ hiya it is very cute luv it * smile * ------ thats so cute * deeky doo * ------
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 Krystin | they r the words i will tell my hot boyfriend wov u * kate * ------ That is soo like me!! * *yasa* * ------ this 1 is vary cute and i relly like it * tori * ------ <3share the icons lol ¢¾ * sammi bbz * ------ same ereup setting isent it huh * lizzie * ------ i love that cuz it decribes me all the way * nicole * ------ sweet i luv it * Becca * ------ heey nice icon but what is that song called again ? * Lorean Buentipo * ------ This is something im goanna show to my dream boyfriend
LOL * ZoE ThOmAs * ------ it is 4 jake billeter cuz tht me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* kylee * ------
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 Krystin | nice i ♥ it * XoxoabbyXoxo * ------ lovvvvvvvvv * cece * ------ u r my idol of luv * shit * ------ i heart that <3 * ~Megan~ * ------ haha def a keeper ♥ * Sammy * ------ I love your icon. it's cute you better add more like this. where did you get it from. i want the website.she-gives-glamour-a-meaning--x@hotmail.com add me on msn and we can talk * Squeeky * ------ i love? * lauren * ------ I really like this icon its kewl and cute!:] * *Morgan* * ------
 Krystin | lolz that it so funny n kute * lary * ------ LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!straight foward works 4 me!!! * idkuhhME!!! * ------ This icon is sooooooooooooo hot!!!!!!!! * ????? * ------ I lv diz i ave to piik it
* Leanne Lloyd * ------ ahh thats so awsome im so gettin that one!!
* sam * ------ y did u make that c u l8er * m-o-m * ------ LOL that is like soo funny!!! * Aly * ------ i no * XXLUVITXX * ------ Its Asome I dedecate to my baby boi joel Love ya Ummm Your hott!! Babe xoxoxox * Manda * ------ cute * .. * ------
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 Jillian | wtf is it suposed to mean??? a hunted swing * a person u dont know * ------ LOVE iTT
0HH W3LL * April * ------ omg i love it that is the cutest thing * hannah * ------ ... no offence... but this is stupied.. there''s no meaning 2 it.. it''s retarted... * * a person * <3 * ------ errrrrrmm wel no offenc buh i dnt reali admire dis pic it lks 2 playn
n plus watz dat supos 2 be a hauntid swing or summa * shexi pwincess * ------ when i first saw this, i felt pain! like ur life is a swing and ur all alone! its sorta sad! i love it!! * u dont need to know who i am * ------ mmmhkay, well this looks like a bikini top hanging from a rope. not muchh more to say, but make it look more like a swing and it would be cuter..&& * ~~THE shit~~ * ------ awe this is cute this is totaly mine!! haha * bee * ------ no, peace,love,and DRUGS! that''s my motto. and no i dont do drugs * Bubblicious * ------ Whats the Point of This Picture
* shelby * ------
More Comments >> Peace and Love<3
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