how arer ur flowers ,dogs and w/e icons funny they dont even have funny in their vocab!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????!?!?!?!?!?!? * we dont care * ------ i luvv
* hahahaaa * ------ GOSH I WISH YOU WOULD STFU ARTHURE!! * ~Hollie~ * ------ u know how they say flowers smell good? give em this flower and see if they still think so..
wow man i''d get a job to pay for a real house...and fast! * carley mac * ------ YEAH U REALLYY NEEDD TO GET A LIFE U EFFIN LOSERRRR!!! * get a life! * ------ omg this icon sux....u make bad icons. * mee * ------ ur sooo lucky, this is my DREAM house! * Ashy * ------ erm . . . i reely think u need to get a lyf . . . * sum1 * ------ wow. a tree. how beautiful? * * Blink 182 luvs me!* * ------ wot, up a tree? hee hee, only jokin! Itz cool, though! * Xtine * ------ no not rely * sum1 * ------ this is where i huh?
haha at first i saw it in the little thinggy way and it looked like a stripper
like pole dancer
and then saw the tree and i though she was like a "tree" dancer...
but then i clicked on it and relizzed it wasnt
she im smart ! i neeed to tell my bf
he''ll be like im soo proud and then we will make out
but any way ya...
* OBSSESSSED ABOUT MY BF....JACQUESSS * ------ i hate your icons.........nature is beautiful but on an icon its just ugly. * *WORK FO IT* * ------ oh dear wtf it that * vbgbhtntgfhtyrgyt * ------ i swear no 1 likes it ppl keep on puttin dumb comments u dont put good picz * mwa * ------ wtf is it? * umm... * ------ ewww thats retarted. Never again. * $%WishUWereMe%$ * ------ WHAT...IS..IT?
* PUNKROCKA * ------ your really stupid and cheesey * kiwie * ------ thts jus dumb * sum1 * ------ lets play hide-n-seek..i bet u wont find me! Loser!