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Krystin | this sukz azz! * your MOther * ------ SkUlLzzzz!!! R Sexiii......!!! * Trisha * ------ ss * ss * ------
Krystin | oh my god its a duck who gives a sh*t * dman * ------ hahahaha funny duck :p * chris * ------ Awwwe.....Ever Tute evil duckie.....Lol * `*Kellie<3 * ------ This is sooo cute....My bff has the same duck in her locker * Julia * ------ quack! * alison * ------ quack! * alison * ------ Luv it! * Jessie * ------ Luv it! * Jessie * ------
Krystin | is this suppose to be scary? * sexy baby * ------ Thats the gayest picture ive ever seen
* Charlie * ------ *drools* * VAMPS4EVA * ------
Krystin | ok wtf is wrong with gingers? their just people with red hair like wtf is your problem wanting to kill gingers? what if i said i wanted to kill blondes or brunettes or blackss?? its not their hair colourr!!
and btw, niccee icon ;) * rrosselleee * ------ gingers shuld be murdered i think,,,,, cooool icon dudette or dudes!!!! * ~~~~~~~~~i hate gingers~~~~~~~~~~ * ------ it is boring * _______---- * ------
Krystin | the power of jesus christ is real * Marcus * ------ i like this icon. saintly jesus is mad at you for making it. Woot woot, good job! *highfive* * Jesse's girl * ------ hm..ok so some1 is going 2 hell for liking satan. id they frickin LIKE SATAN wouldnt they wanna BE WITH HIM?? end of story...cool icons btw * ...dont need one... * ------ you are gonna go to hell for that. that is sick and retarded and stupid!!! * --xjesus_loverx-- * ------ alsome pic * dman * ------ Satan is awesome, dont go spreading your bible-belt, pro christian fanaticism...
Let me ask you, have Satanists ever killed people in the name of religion? Hint, the answer is no. * Phil * ------ Wow, if anyone picks this, they are retarded! Ever heard of a bible????? If not, go get one. It''s What would JESUS do??? Well he wouldnt make this icon!!! * Taylor * ------ Why would someone do this? * Melanie * ------ JESUS IS MAD AT YOU! ggod job, dumbdumb * ... * ------
Krystin | i just hope u guys know that jesus loves u and satan just wants to hurt u * jacob * ------ You idiot. SATAN is spelt correctly. Use a dictionary or your brain. Is the entire world stupid?! * THE Genius * ------ WTf??
WUt DUh HELL??WHO WOOD PiK DiS SHyT?? * .:LADy_K:. * ------ YEAAA I LOVE U TO SATAN!! * elaina * ------ To all the jesus lovers. LOL * dman * ------ Cool * Jacob * ------ you people are crazy.. crazy crazy crazy!!! HEE HEE HEE * you daddty * ------ Ewwww no he doesnt...tht icon sucks * Anon * ------ i thought he hated everyone * ... * ------ aww i luv satan too EMOS RAWK * beth * ------
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Krystin | hide me from the evil clown >.< * *foxxy roxii* * ------ tell me wen its over * jack * ------ haha * clover.wong * ------ i love u * salman * ------ oh my godd!!! that really is scary im HATE clowns
* Jully Smith * ------ dude your icon burns
werd * Kaleigh * ------ Nice i realli like clowns with flashing eyes * Alex * ------ wow clowns scare the crap otta me * Dayna * ------ thats really freakyy * dez * ------
Krystin | Dudes, I frickin love it. Great Icon ♥ * Vampire Chick * ------ my favorite buddy icon is evil the happy me. ok * mariz blando * ------ i started to swear i waz so frightened iz seriously evil i will never have dat as a display pic * kandi * ------ This one is very very very evil and really really really scary * Taneshea * ------
Krystin |
Krystin | thats freakin scary! who would make that its like a dead fugly mann hore with fangs * sexxi * ------