Name : | amanda | Icons Accepted : | 6 | Amount Credited : | $1.5 | Complete Collection | Icons Submitted | Comments | | I love this but how do i get this you are so good at designing * Janet * ------
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| | i want sex * sex * ------ thats fuken stupid who fuken created this cuz dats happy bunnies sayin so screw you * ~~~aPryL~~~ * ------ omg sry biy gtg ttyl bbl krt ukwim gtg ttyl lol lololol LOL LOL * wow * ------ So gay WOW * Nick * ------ cool * anonime * ------ baahahahah that is so me!!!! lol * ??? * ------ worth it * worth it * ------ thats so effin cool!!
* ???christina??? * ------ sdfgsdfg * gsdfg * ------
| | love it! * jill * ------ like it. it happens to me * steff * ------
| | wow !! umm yeah no comment * Chubacca * ------ lol i like dis 1 * AmY * ------
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