* [cake}tie * ------ OMG! everyone is SO right!... THIS SONG SUCKS ASS!...panic! at the disco is SO much better! and fob too!... wtf is wrong with whoever made this icon? you need help because you have HORRIBLE music taste...btw, why does everyone hate p!atd? i LOVE them! * Breanna!** * ------ That's so sweet i love it so yeah wats ur real name * madi * ------ listening 2 this song right now lol luv it! * *iamme* * ------ well if i could say that i would but there is nothing left * gemma * ------ omg eww i hate him p!@td r muuch muuch betta and fob lol * Panic! at the discoo Foreva * ------ heyy. you're right. panic! at the disco (p!atd) is SOO much better! they are AMAZINGGGG. but a lot of people at my school hate them. god. they have such bad music taste.
love the icon. not the words. * lovingp!atd * ------ i hate that song. he is such a wanna be..Panic and fob are so much better:P * *SomeBodyHelp~MyHeartIsBroken* * ------ omg my mom oves that song.. by the way really cool icon!!!! * rose * ------ hmm....i hate that song to death. its annoying. how about u listen to some 3 days grace. then lets see what icons u make. * iluv3DG27 * ------
Love Hockeyy!
GO BLACKHAWKS! * randi * ------ hahaha deresz disz kid in my class dat saysz wdp wich isz wat da poof lol wak i noe lol woweee lol haha anywaysz kinda wak lol =] * sum1 =] * ------ WTH - Wat The Hell!? PMSL! * Nichola Bee 2kaii7 * ------ *MUCHO RETARDO* this icon is stupid * preppy_bitch * ------ wtf?! thats so gay! * {ashlei} *ex oh ex* * ------ ok THIS IS the gayest icon EVER! * JAmms! * ------ woah that is just pathetic and LAME * lindsay * ------ oooooo kkkk thenn....i dont like it!!! its weird!! * rfj * ------ ha das well kl! * *tink* * ------ LOL !! Genius !! * ii heart tink !! * ------
That is so cool but the marines in my opionon are better. but i support all kinds of troops. * rose * ------ this is a very good picture i still want my dad to come home * mystery(not telling) * ------
yea... wats up with the flag in the backround? worst icon ever! * **somewone** * ------ refuje is better than all of those bands
* ashley * ------ im so obsessed with good charlotte that is such a sad song * heather * ------ I really like this one! :) * *^*Lyndz*^* * ------ it is ok but not verry good .I had it but i delted it coz it woz a bit boring!!!!! * amber * ------ *let forgivenes wash away the pain*
love the gc * -o-Girl-o- * ------
wut the heck r u talking about
green day rocks!!!!!! * sara * ------ yeah, greendays ok but avenged sevenfold rawks out loud! * metalgirl * ------ WTF??? r u mental or something??? GREEN DAY ROCKS!!! * XxgreendayloverxX * ------ anyone with a brain knows greenday is amazing, end of story! * sarah * ------ wat are u smokin There deadly * .. * ------ Yay! Also, it''s deaf, not death. * Dr.Worm * ------ u no wat green day fanatic??.................... u suck!!!! * author * ------ omgosh... so true... this icon couldnt say it more plainly... * *broken* * ------ greenday rock and its deaf blind and dumb but you have to be a green day fan to work that one out * GreenDayFreakTapdance(?) * ------ Finally who made this i love it greenday sucks out loud * Curtis * ------
BAM IS LIKE SO HOTT!!!!!! SO IS RAAB * DANIELLE * ------ omg u guys r so rite hes so fine~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!! * nellie * ------ hes hot but villes better * oooooooooimso right * ------ hell yes hes sexy!!! * maddie * ------ HOtt
* Author *
great icon! luv it. not all girls wear dresses!!! * a person that know one knows * ------ theres only one dress that i would wear and thats the one i wore to a bunch of weddings when i was little and now its too small to be a nice dress so i wear it over jeans kinda like a tank top * sweetsugar * ------ stupid but its true! im not a tomboy, skater w/e. more of a girly girl but i hate dresses. * whiskaz<3 * ------ No its not stupid jey jey and if you cant c that you must be blind i need glasses (Dont were then like) and i can read it. * candy * ------ omg i no but its a sign and they wont change it so oh well * patience * ------ YEA SO TRUE I HATE WEARING DRESSES ONLY TOO CHURCH AND HOLIDAYS
!!!! * Someone * ------ well i dont like this icon b cuz i have to wear dresses all the time b cuz i am in alot of pagents and i love them!!! * *psh* * ------ couldnt agree wit ya more luv this icon!! * **issues** * ------ Omg wat are you all talkin about...your oni sayin vat coz ur all dikes n u CANT wear dresses!!.... i h8 this icon n i luv wearin dresses!! * (*)Me(*) * ------ I totaly love this one! Just cause, I cant handle wearing a dress! I can handle skirts, just not dresses! * Maria * ------
omg that is sooo true i love it i always say that to my friends haha xx * abby * ------ THATS TRUE * GHETTO * ------ slow it down it took me like 3 min and 30 times to read it * the_only_sane_one * ------ * chole k. :) * are you just trying to get attention by saying you were making out with your bf seriously get a life
* Chloee * ------ this will b round msn soon thanks 2 me * amy! * ------ nice icon!!lol that is a cute 1 to. * AlySsA * ------ this icon is so funny next rime when someone asks me wha i am dooen then i will rember that * amanda * ------ haha cute and soo funyy :) * s2britt * ------ So Very Very Very Very True. * *~Khepri~* * ------ My Name Is Morgan...Spelled Diff Tho....Like The Icon...Keep It Up.. * **MoRgAn** * ------