awwwwwwwww dis is even cuter so sweet
* potter * ------
OMG I totally <3 that song!!! Cute icon. * Emma * ------ ilu * Renee * ------ omg that is SO sweet!! its a cute song 2 * lissa * ------ that is so cute!!!! * Caitlyn * ------ omg..i love this pic..its so true and it makes you think what it means * ana * ------
This is really hot... but it''s also kinda creepy! very *physical* * *blondie* * ------ is that 2 girls?! * */*Ella*\* * ------ i wish i could do that wit my bf..i luv this..smochy smochy smochy..(kissing all daii) * author * ------ crap * kt * ------ omg!!!! sooo effin hott!!! * nina * ------ that is so pervirted!!!! * someone * ------ this one's kinda weird * anonymous * ------ this is sosoosososo gross!! * poop ur mamma * ------ dis is so 4 da boys
* bls * ------ ive never been kissed so i could use this to ask some one
i love it
* ???????? * ------
thats true boys think they can just buy ya love not happening xxxx * xbaby girlx * ------ thats true boys think they can just buy ya love not happening xxxx * xbaby girlx * ------ That is soo true! you go gurl or guy! * Nikki * ------ this is soooo true u have to earn my love * Em * ------ i love this icon
i want that ring
* *cheyenne* * ------ um but that totally helps * colie * ------
its so cute but what if u show this to a boy and ask them and they say no thats a burn * naomi * ------ It reminds me of that George Strait song "Check Yes or No" * someone...:) * ------ um okay none is spelt like that of your is like that and beeswax.. i think you got that one but you didnt get want lol i wont it so bad haha its want retard * angie * ------ tottally hott!!! * Nolanluver * ------ !!!!!!!!!!!! * samantha * ------ omg this is the most perfect icon if you want to know if someone likes you or not i love it * Cait * ------ umm no i wont haha jk * whatever * ------ SOOOOOOO CUTE!!! I LUV IT! * Micaela * ------ this is a way good way of asking someone out init gurlies * ...................... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * ------ nice thats funny * brittany * ------