this one is awesome
cuz thats me
i will do almost anythin 4 a hug cuz hugs r awesome * brit * ------ i dnt need to do anything for a hug cuz my boyfriend would hg me anyways * shelly * ------ i love this web it rocks !! ...x
* melissa m * ------ hi plz can we have more cutee icons like this? cuz i think this is original, not to vain and self-centered, and just ME! so i was wondering if we could have any more original icons, that would be GREAT! * original icon person * ------ omg dont u just think your the best princes and ur the only gay person here bye x * girly Xx * ------ omg hunni i totaly agree wid ur pic u rock x luv ya all bye x * ~*JeSs*~ * ------ u ppl r so sadd cumin on dis de bwoiz onlin cum on it 4 de hot pikz n datz a fact exept 4 de gay 1s * ice * ------ i love this site * taylor * ------ IM SO POPULAR AND PRETTY AND COOL * CandyCane * ------ im a bad girl and i need a bad boii * kaz * ------
OMG I LOVE THIS!!!!!!it''s my frickin name so of i love it!!!!!! * ncswimchic45/icehockey4lyfe * ------ Sweet and cute :) * Meh * ------
I get it it saying that even though paint not the funnest program or the best they still use it cause they want to! * Becky * ------ dasda makes no sesns ;] * dsa * ------
LMAOO LOVE ITT! * lol * ------
heyy love itt! can you make another that says love to laugh? thankss<33 * zoeyy * ------ can you make a love to laugh one just like that? * zoey * ------ hey i like ur icons i was wonderingg if u can make 1 4 mii...i would like it 2 saii erica&elgar nd have hearts on it..u can IM mi at babigrlerica2013
thankk you.=] * babigrlerica. * ------ omg that is so me i like love to smile like for real!
* megan * ------ i love this onee! * sexyy * ------
Thats cute!!! * **SexyMaddy*** * ------
THIS IS TRUE!! * ME!!! * ------ soooooooooooo cute and true * tay * ------
awwwwww that is so0o kute i love it * lary * ------
OMG~~ Soooo cute and Soooo true * amanda * ------ Okay so I know I am dirty minded to notice this,
but don''t u think this sounds a little sick?
I mean like think about it
* you put pink in my cheeks*
can totally be taken the wrong way lol, * Kajsa * ------ that is sooooooo cute!!!!! very real and put so sweeetly
* terry * ------ tht picture is so cute x x * paiige foulger * ------ love it <3 xx * SAx * ------ awwwwww this is soooooooo cute mannn!!!! :]]] ah-maz-ingg!!! I dedicate this saying 2 my bf, Dane!!!! <33 love him * daneeee loverrrrrr * ------ This is gay! * ******& * ------ this is like so totaly cutie soooo like ummm * bridgity * ------ i really like it but wat website did u get it on? * Rebeecr * ------ luvin it pink is lush * *pink*princess* * ------