wht the poiit off diis sorry it sucks but i love it at da sme tiime cause at skool when me board i just sing it so uno .x * && iits that giirl * ------ i am a twinkle little star lol * xxlaurenxx * ------ I alwaysed loved that song!!! * Heather * ------ ur icon is gay tat why there is no commets
* star * ------ Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, bc u know i am the star!! So cute. * Carissa Baby * ------ how i wonder what u r up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky, twinkle twinkle little star how i wonder what u r. LOL * ~Cassidy~ * ------ ...how i wonder wut the hell is this?! * babiicakes108 * ------ ooookkkkkkk...... * Lisa * ------ Very cute picture!!! * katie * ------ diz iz crap belive me its so babyish
* Nicole * ------
ya man- i cant wait til im old enf 2 join....:/ * sk8freek * ------
ya totaly- judgin is da eezy way 2 go.... * ur bfffff * ------
once again... jerks... leave the icons alone... grrrr. * juz me * ------ that is so stupid.... why would u do that? * no name * ------
wow i luv sponge bob i way kl i cant find any more picz * jessie * ------ nice but krabby patties is a K not C lol still luv it tho :P spongebob is sexii * *rosalina-roisin, same fing* * ------ um...its "krabby" not "crabby" genius. * jennie * ------ haha I do too! * Laney J * ------