This Is So True. I Love This Boii But He Doesnt Know Me That Well * I Wish You Knew Me Better * ------ greg why can''t you love me and not kasie u don''t understand the pain seeing you guys kiss right in front of me i think your the only one in the whole school that can''t see my feelings for you * jkfdjslaf * ------ sp true * *dani* * ------ I love someone but they like my sister!!!!!! * Me * ------ I love someone but he''s in love with my sister! He''s a year younger than her! Don''t guys usually date girls younger than them? * Sarah * ------ * psh i am not a BiTCH..<3 * well guess wat u r a bitch!!!
* xxxx-xxxx * ------ YEA, LOL!!! i LOVE Tripp (Edwin) Moran. Hes 2 grades ahead of me though.........but hes VERY hott!!!! * * Madster* * ------ i h8 2 admit it but,
i h8 tht fact! * -------Torence S.------- * ------ <<<< i love it >>> * Xxkeep_my_<3xX * ------ O man,thats mee,im so sadd im in <3 w/ himm but,he dosnt kno mee that well.:(. O well. * AeroGrl94 * ------
i like him-ALOT and he likes me or so i think, i wanna tell him, but we''re sort of at a different social status, and at my school social status is HUGE-I HATE THAT!! * I<3_____ * ------ i love this icon!!!!!!! * nealy * ------ i lurvvvvvvv dis icon :d * *.~.*//..Danielle..//*.~.* * ------ this is so true i love it!!!!! * Tara * ------ that is so beautifuly sad. * u_r_a_FAG!!! * ------ I love that icon * fdsgsg * ------ omg i lov this it is so wow * i loved him once but he brock my heart * ------ i love this one¢¾¢¾¢¾3¢¾¢¾¢¾¢¾3¢¾¢¾¢¾¢¾
* jolene * ------ i have fallen in luv with this icon * *luv at first sight* * ------ this is perfet for me. i love someone and he knows but we cant tell anybody bc of a stupid age difference :( * nancy * ------