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dnt u think this is unfair i went out wiv a lad 4 9 months(my first ever boyfrend)n then wen i came bak from holiday he had cheated on me,then i find out it was all a dare of his mate and now im heartbroken n now hes goin out wiv my best mate(now ex best mate)
* georgia *
he broke my heart doing drugs bu ti still cant get over him
* brokenheart *
yeah my ex already broke my heart and i have a boi but every time i c my exx i like him more n more this icon is soo true
* **why do you care** *
most the time it is the guy but girlz make faults one is oerfect but i say amen to this icon i luv it and wat it says
* sady lynn *
i agree with *confused* its not like guys are always the one to break the girls heart. i am also a girl and me and my boyfriend have been dating for 7 months and he has NEVER broke my heart but i HAVE broken his... guys are just like girls they have feelings to but girls express their feeling in diffrent ways normally guys just hide their feelings but they really are hurting on the inside
* * im also confused * *
probaby so =(
* _BrokenHeartsTornUpLetters_ *
naw but it aint always tru...gurlz need 2 learn 2 stop makin boyz out 2 b tha bad ones or we r never gonna trust thm and giv the gd ones a chance!!! gurlz can break boyz hearts as well...we need more icons 4 tht!!! iv been goin wif a lad 4 9 months nw and he has never broken my heart...if he woz goin 2 he wood hav dun it by now!!
* ****ali-baybee**** *
not always !!!!! have faith sum lads/men are worth it
* xxxxxChrissiexxxxx *
i know wat guys are thinking. yes iut is wrong but we have to understand that they love us know matter wat hapens! me and my boo were fighting because i over reacted because that is wat gurls do rigt well then he told me that he was going to move to frekin japan!!!! i felt so bad after that
* Meghan *
this isnt always true.. & i dont think we should assume.. when u find the right one.. it will be for *FOREVER* .. no heartbreak.. no pain.. just happiness!!! :)
* *^*SaRaH *LUVS* MiKe*^* *



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