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Secret Shrine
In Secret Shrine, you will be exploring a mysterious temple, trying to find clues tha...

(Secret Shrine Game Walkthrough )

Secret Shrine Walkthrough

    1. You find yourself in front of the temple entrance, or in your case, the exit.
    2. Take the mushrooms on the left edge of the screen, and the flint on the right edge of the screen.
    3. Step back into the hall.
    4. Select the mushrooms in your inventory, and click on the nearest torch on the right.
    5. Select the knife, then select the flint in your inventory to combine them.
    6. Select the combined object (Spark) to light up the torches and illuminate the temple.

    7. Turn to your left and enter the fane. Read the clues and take the dagger.
    8. Turn to your right and enter the tablet room. Read the clues and take the second dagger.
    9. Step back into the altar room and proceed right to the sacrificial cache.
    10. Use the daggers on the box slots to acquire the essence of blood, and the essence of body.
    11. Pick up the gear on the floor.

    12. Turn right to enter the store room.
    13. Look at the drawing of the tree on the wall. It represents the order in which the fluids in the bottles must be put at the altar.
    14. Solve the color puzzles on the boxes to acquire the essence of the soul and the essence of the bone.
    15. Order of colors for the left box, starting left to right: Blue, Brown, Green ,Black, Blue. The clues for this are in the verses found in the inscriptions in the fane and tablet room.
    16. Order of colors for the right box, starting left to right: Blue, Black, Green, Brown, Blue
    17. Once you have all 4 bottles, head to the altar.
    18. At the altar, you must solve two puzzles.
    19. The calendar on the wall has its solution in the text underneath it. Start with any tile and work your way around until you reach a full circle.

    20. The second puzzle involves pouring liquids into the ceramic bowls.
    21. Order from left to right: White(Soul), Purple(Body), Green(Bone), Red(Blood).

    22. You will hear a sound and receive a message. if the calendar puzzle is solved, you may now take the artifact on the altar.
    23. Head back to the hall. At the hall, look at the stone on the floor.
    24. Step back to the entrance. Use the gear on the mechanism, then click to open the puzzle.
    25. There are multiple ways to achieve the needed result, which is to bring the symbols depicted on the stone to the point where the gears connect.
    26. After you have done this, click on the door and you have finished the game.

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