Finally lies a chance to roll up your
sleeves and sharpen your creativity cells as you enter the 'banner creation' contest.
contest where you can win an exciting prize of Rs .5000 if your banner gets
selected. And even a trip to Australia if your banner is the best of banners recieved
within one year. So take part in the "Banner Contest" and show your creativity
to the world!!
All you have to do is
-Make a banner of size 468 x 60 pixels and send it to us.A Banner should be a
animated banner ( a sample of which is enclosed below) and should be able to attract
visitors to our coolbuddy site. In case we like your work and intend to use is for our
advertisment purposes , we will put it up on our site for the whole world to see + you win
the prize too.
Best Of Luck !!!
Click here to get the details about the contest
