Once sardarji decided to do Phd.
So he took
thousands of cocroaches and started experimenting on them.
he took one cocroach and he kept it on the table and shouted
" run ".
Then the cocroach ran then he took another
cocroach and he cut its leg and shouted "run"
the coacroach ran.
Then he took another cocroach and he cut
its two legs and shouted "run". Then the cocroach
then he took another cocroach and he cut its three legs
and shouted "run" Then the cocroach ran slowly.
Then he went on removing all the legs of coacroach and shouted
"run ". It did not run at last.
Then his final
result on experimenting the cocroach was
"After removing
all the legs of cocroach the cocroach will become deaf"