}} Wallpapers }} Bollywood Wallpapers }} Imran Khan
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 | wowowff wht to say abt dis personality i fink he''s just amazing dammm handsome hunk kewl dude..keep it ...n all the best .... yew are really simple person n tht''s add +point to yewr personality cheerssssss luv yahhhhh * mohita * ------ I just love this guy i just want to meet him one day. He is soooo sexy and absolutely handsome love him xxxx * Amelia * ------ u rock!!
god bless u wid gr8 future.........
ur''s biggest fan !! * sanya alag * ------ You r my all time favorite * neelam * ------ i love u so much......jane tu and kidnap. in kidnap u r very***** sexy. very muscular body * rishika Khan * ------ d mooooooooossssst sexieeeest guy ever seeeeen........looooooooov uuuuuuuuuu * srishti * ------ You r looking extremely extemely extremly cute in Jane tu ya jane na and i hope that ur nxt movie kidnap will be the block buster on bollywood cinema.
May you reach the peak of the glory
after this nothing else to say
Allah hafiz * Faryal * ------ i m just crazy abt u n now i came 2 know tht how 1 can b crazy abt sum1 i just wish u a best future. may ALLAH bless u with all ur wishes n may u b d most successful person but i just want 2 request though i hav no right but still plz try 2 b in touch with islam 2 its a request frm my side n if u do tht ALLAH will definitely give u success. best of luck 4 ur coming future.i had never been any1''s fan but i m crazy abt u so u can think how big fan i m of urs n will always remain "INSHA ALLAH" * ayesha irfan[farhat] * ------ imran i just luv ur acting yar....... i n ur big fan now . u r so sweet . u r just an amazing actor. ihop ur next film kidnap will b superhit.... n lastly i like u so so so .......... much * shonali * ------ imraan you are too handsome, sexy,and too hot.i love you too are my best actor. * richa verma * ------
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|  | u r so sweet .u make me crazy !!!luv ur eyesssssssssssss.............. * shams * ------ hi imran u r amazing in Jaane tu....Best of luck for ur upcoming films * Shilpi * ------ u have diferent persenality which is lovely maintain this style * umer kiani * ------ ur face looks vry innocent dat i like vry much.u r so sweeetu.muah..... * AKSHITA * ------ ur face looks vry innocent dat i like vry much.u r so sweeetu.muah..... * AKSHITA * ------ imran u r just amazing. i love u imran. i m ur biggest fan.. * diksha * ------ sooooooooooooo cuteeeeeeeee!!!!!! * nupur * ------ VERY CUTE, ADORABLE,DASHING,HILARIOUS............ALWAZ ROCKING......... * KINJAL SHARMA * ------ SOOOooo Hot, innocent....ETC. * Samia Bhatti * ------ HI, IMRAN YOU LOOK SO CUTE , I LOVE YOUR FIRST PICTURE YOU HAVE DONE A FABULLUS WORK.IN THIS PICTURE THE MOST BEAUTIFULL SONG IS ADITTI.
THANK YOU * anurag mishra * ------
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|  | u rock dude u r the next superstar
we all luv u ......... * siddharth * ------ everloving superstar of tomorrow..............thats all.............. * deepika * ------
|  | HIIIII imran
wow ur sooooo so so sweet& cutee
luv ur my favo actor (K) * sonam * ------ YOU ARE ROCKING SMART HOT AND GOOD LOOKING I LIKE YOU A LOT AND YOU ARE THE MOST DASHING PERSON I LIKE YOU ALOT I SAW 2 MOVIE OF YOURS AND FROM THERE YOU ARE MY BIGGEST FRIEND AND LOVER LOVE U * Sharmin M khambata * ------ i luv u and u r my fav actor * shipra * ------ I Love Imran Khan! Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na was amazing!
In Kidnap..O my Gosh!! He is so talented and he is so handsome!! I wish him all the luck he can get! I''m sure that Imran Khan is going to be the next SUPERSTAR in the film industry!!
Much Love,
Your friends and very bigg fanss from Holland! We Love you!! * Serena * ------ hey,imran is verrrrrrrrry cute...n he is showing da same here..... * sayaleee....coooool * ------ he is too good..
cant explain in words!!
um already in too muc awe of him..
dis is d best wallpaper of imraan i can ever get.!! * crystal * ------ cutie pie with droopy eyes ...
absolutely sexy * Akanksha * ------
|  | i love your abbs man suuuuuuch a cutie * sandy * ------ omg!!!
u r so hot n cool n sexy
i love u specially i love ur lips
u r soooooooooooo cute!!!!!!! * Monika * ------ imran u r dashing cool hot guy with cute smile * ashiba * ------ the raising and rock star * sohail * ------ just 2 hot seiously he is a hot dude * reema bhatti * ------ immu u r lookin hot,dashing,cool in this pooooo * masarat * ------ imran (rats) is so cute. i like him very much. ''jaane tu...'' rocks * jai * ------ you are very dashing personality
you have acted very well in your movie * komal$neha * ------