And the Oscar goes to.......
Its that time of the year again, when the
words "and the oscar goes to...", hammers its
way into our ears either through the advertisments, trailers
or the main show.
The end of february, beginning of march announces the arrival
of the awards that calls itself, the highest honour in american
The king of kings as far as award ceremonies go, atleast
that what my 6 year old cousin in the US is telling me.
Most of us watch it and some don't give
a fuck.
But the fact of the matter is (like it or not), the oscars
is considered to be the true measure of whether the stuffed
dished out in the theaters in "good" or not.
Most of these "good", critically acclaimed movies
release late december.
Oscar winning movies encash on the hype and rake in the
cash therafter, no matter what its state before the oscars.
There is a lot that goes into an actual oscar winner,
The movie has to be good, the lobbying has to be stronger.
Creating an awareness for your movie is half the battle won.
Sometimes the cost of lobbying and advertising, overtakes,
the actual budget scheduled for it.
But its all worth it, they say, when they finally see the
golden lady on their mantlepiece.
"Makes it feel like a sense of achievement, as i get
up in the morning and scratch my balls.Make me feels it was
all worth it, the sleepless nights, of remembering lines and
not sleeping around" says one actor.
Nowadays, actually probably for the last decade or two, the
oscars has become more synonomous for the razmatazz sorrounding
the occassion.
Who is going to wear what?
Who is going to design the outfit?
Who is going to wear the most outrageous outfit?
Who is going to walk with whom down the redcarpet?
Will Meryl Streep win this time?
Who is going to host it this time?
Where the fuck is Billy Crystal?
Alongwith with the awards, there are the performances, the acceptance
speeches,the stages with all their glitter, colour latest gadgetry
technology and all that. The acceptance speeches could either
be funny, dull,teary or rehearsed.
But there are a few that remain memorable.
I mean who can forget the Roberto Benigni acceptance speech
for "life is beautiful", or the more recent Adrien
Brody one for "the pianist" or the teary Halle Berry
for "monster's ball".
Also interesting are the faces of those nominees, who don't
hear their names follow the phrase,
"And the Oscar goes too...".
They conceal their disappointment and sometimes anger, with
the oh so courteous smile and the nice bright smile and keeping
the chit of "thank yous" firmly tucked in their
tuxedo pockets or their purses, slightly sometimes wispering
to themselves, "Man, I need a FUCKING Drink right now". |
The host has allways been the tower figure of these ceremonies.
Its a job that not all can do, needing immense preparation for
around 2 months, combined with the quick wit and comments while
the show is going on.
Atleast my knowledge of the recent times tells me that the "host"
field has been completely be dominated by Billy Crystal, and
since his hiatus, thers been no suitable replacement.
Although they have tried.
There were the Steve Martins, the Whoopi Goldbergs and now Chris
Rock, et all, but it has been very hard for them to fill the
void left by the "Crystal"
As far as the awards go, i believe that the academy has got
it wrong sometimes.
Eg. Sean Penn - Mystic River
where probably the more deserving person would be
Bill Murray - Lost in Translation
Another one being, Denzel Washington - Training Day
when probably
Russel Crowe - A Beautiful Mind, would have been more suited.
But mostly the academy has got it right.
Tom Hanks - Cast Away.
Hiliary Swank - Boys Don't Cry.
Robert Benigni - Life is Beautiful.
Charlize Theron - Monster.
Adrien Bordy - The Pianist. et cetra ,et cetra.....The list
goes on.
Anyways,it really doesn't matter, or is not as important as compared to the larger than life show that is put on, which is watched by around 200-300 million viewers everyyear, provided "Friends", or "Desperate Housewives" is not running at the same time, on some other channel.
More often than not, the actual show delivers.
As I write this, this year's Oscars begin.
Some of the women look graceful and some look absolutely hideous.
Chris Rock begins with a dig at Nicole Kidman and Halle Berry.
I have my favorites, but you don't wanna hear them and who cares anyways.
Get a coke and lets watch the rich and famous.
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