Well its got nothing to do with bungee
jumping but I thought it would make the title more alluring
maybe ..like zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance.
So what is the deal with this Kamasutra.At first glance
this ‘treatise on art of sex’ seems more interested
in training u for an up coming sexual gymnastic Olympics.
I mean it seems going through the pictorial description given
in the book that the average male lover is endowed with a
rubber like bendy penis, an ability to place his legs behind
his ears and have and give orgasm while doing so and his female
counter part ought to be able to do splits while having fabulous
The Kamasutra describes 64 sexual arts - that is eight different
ways of making love multiplied by eight different positions
within each of these ways. It was written in 3rd century AD
by an Indian sage ‘Vatsyanana ‘ and was introduced
to the west by Sir Richard Burton.
Some of the positions mentioned in Kamasutra have the most
hilarious names. Like the union of the cows or the union of
tiger, the yawning position ,pair of tongs etc etc. I guess
named after the inspiration behind that position. The world
already obsessed with sex is going mad trying to perfect the
art of love making and give his/her partner an earth shattering
orgasm at the end of a 10 hour love session. Tantra and Kamasutra
are the buzz words today if you haven’t had that earth
shattering love session yet then there is one thing not achieved
on your long list of things to do. Some say that Kamasutra
brings a fabled sexual experience to the grasp of the common
man,who too can enjoy and perfect the art of love making other
wise deemed elusive or the sole property of divas and hunks
with hugely proportioned sexual organs. Here is an extract
from an English translation of Kamasutra describing various
rear entry positions.
She bends well forward and grips
the bedstead, her buttocks raised high;
cup your hands to serpents' hoods
and squeeze her jar-shaped (sic) breasts together:
this is "Dhenuka" (the Milch Cow).
If you mount her like a dog,
gripping her waist,
and she twists round to gaze into your face,
experts in the art of love say
it is "Svanaka" (the Dog).
If the lady, eager for love,
goes on all fours, humping her back like a doe,
and you enjoy her from behind,
rutting as though you'd lost all human nature,
it is "Hirana" (the Deer).
* Translation from Sanskrit
to English by Indra Sinha 1980,Courtesy www.Columbia.edu
The kamasutra doesn’t
just concern itself with positions but the entire prelude
and the period after sexual intercourse. It describes how
to increase one’s sexual potency.
“Honey-sweetened milk in which
the testicles of a ram
or a goat have been simmered
has the effect, when drunk,
of making a man as powerful as a bull”
Here’s is an extract on how to enlarge
your penis
“First rub your penis with wasp stings
and massage it with sweet oil.
When it swells, let it dangle for ten nights
through a hole in your bed,
going to sleep each night on your stomach. “
The whole
emphasis of the Kamasutra is on making sex as enjoyable as possible
.Whether for a man or a woman. Infact special emphasis is laid
on female enjoyment which any other work of the same era would
have conveniently overlooked. It states that it is the mans
duty to satisfy his mate fully.
“Though a woman is reserved, and keeps
her feelings concealed; when she gets on the top of a man,
she shows all her love and desire. A man should gather from
the actions of the woman of what disposition she is, and in
what way she likes to be enjoyed”
It seems the Kamasutra is not averse to anything. Every possible
sexual technique is mentioned in the Kamasutra. Every possible
way of love making .From role playing to Oral sex to even
sex between people of same orientation,it is the most comprehensive
guide ever written in possibly the most tastefull and refined
fashion .
The Kamasutra is way ahead of its times,and it time to catch
up for us.
So if you were feeling the blues in the bed go ad pick up
a copy of Vatsayanas “The Kamasutra”,and in the
throes of ecstacy with ur partner. |
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