buddy is a search engine with a difference. It relates you with
people through different institutions.It not only helps in contacting
a friend,it also links you with acquaintances,past and present,and
makes them your buddies .
idea is not just my imagination.I feel that people from different
walks of life just remain acquaintances usually because you have
no way of contacting them.This site aims at changing
acquaintances into buddies.Think for yourself,out of the many people
you are acquainted with, how many can you contact.
To make the idea successful ,we all have to come together and help
in creating a new community .
idea is simple but effective.You just have to register yourself
on the site under school,college,company etc. Initially you may
feel that you haven't gained anything but once our community is
big it will prove beneficial.
lets spread the word and it will happen.We look forward to your
support and suggestions.